So I am moving 14 hours to a new place with my SO, and got into a debate with my Dad about fuel efficiency. I argued that since we were towing the car it would be more fuel efficient than driving the 2 vehicles separate. He disagreed that it would be less since the truck would be working harder since it’s pulling both the car and the trailer. Especially since the vehicle we are towing is a Yaris.

Since we were picking up the trailer in the next state over, we got both data for driving both vehicles and towed.

So I just crunched the numbers, on hilly terrain pulling the truck was 11% more efficient.

While on flat terrain it was 20% more efficient.

While I was happy to win my bet, my dad decided to sour my victory by changing one parameter. Did we save money?

Since we knew the ratio of how much more efficient the moving truck was to the car, we could estimate how much gas the Yaris would’ve used to drive the distance.

The result: Car would’ve sucked back $60 worth of gas while the trailer rental cost around $200.

So while I won the bet, I lost the war. 😭

    7 months ago

    You’re forgetting wear and tear. When the Yaris is moving, the gas is not the only being used, but so are the tires. And the brake pads and rotors. You’re putting mileage on the odometer, spinning those wheel bearings, blasting the A/C, and maybe loosening up that CV joint more and more every time you turn left. Was that an exhaust leak I’m starting to hear?

    With the moving truck, you don’t care about that stuff, as it’s baked into the rental cost. Even when the cost of the trailer is factored in you’ve saved money from wear. You still win.