Seriously, I found my sister (who’s nearly 30) watching a silly video about “feminists doing men’s work”, basically just a hate compilation of tiktoks and a chud yelling at the camera about evil leftists and stuff like that.

How the fuck do you stay happy watching this slop? It’s just constant hateful bullshit, I’m surprised we don’t see more terrorism from this stuff being consumed by millions of people everyday.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 month ago

      They had some glowing white-hot takes that were at least as bad as that but knowing them for decades makes it hard to narrow down and just pick one at a time, you know?

      Fine, here’s another: being told by a woman, especially a black woman, to sit down and wait their damn turn while in a government office is such a deep psychic wound that the woman’s voice should be said in screeching falsetto, with dehumanizing descriptions of her appearance, her supposed body odor, and her sexual proclivities, decades after that incident happened.

      How dare a less-successful off-brand trump-anguish have to go through such a traumatic experience! grill-broke