Seriously, I found my sister (who’s nearly 30) watching a silly video about “feminists doing men’s work”, basically just a hate compilation of tiktoks and a chud yelling at the camera about evil leftists and stuff like that.

How the fuck do you stay happy watching this slop? It’s just constant hateful bullshit, I’m surprised we don’t see more terrorism from this stuff being consumed by millions of people everyday.

  • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
    1 month ago

    I don’t know if I agree with the linked article, specifically the part where they talk about how people complaining about the lack of black women in the Dove ad were duped because they accepted it had authority over beauty. I would assume most people who say that are just… pointing out how the ad is superficial and faking feminism like all ads do; not trying to insinuate they actually give it any sort of weight. The point isn’t to point out hypocrisy but to point out the fact that all ads do not care about people.

    Also the anti-psychiatry stuff is super fucking weird. Fuck people who have ADHD I guess, says the “last psychiatrist”.

    One of the great insights of psychoanalysis is that you never really want an object, you only want the wanting, which means the solution is to set your sights on an impossible ideal and work hard to reach it. You won’t. That’s not just okay, that’s the point. It’s ok if you fantasize about knowing kung fu if you then try to actually learn kung fu, eventually you will understand you can never really know kung fu, and then you will die. And it will have been worth it.

    Bitch I know from experience that I want chocolate cake and the best part about wanting chocolate cake is eating chocolate cake. Eat my baaaaalls you privileged piece of shit.

    I know I’m probably doing a defense mechanism of narcissism or something according to this person’s website but I think people formulating identities and having conceptions of self is normal, not narcissism. And psychiatry is essential for many people to function. “Just be good and do good things instead of trying to process trauma” (which they think isn’t a real condition) is garbage advice for most people.

    Anyways confidence debt seems to be a real thing but I’m seriously skeptical of the rest of the website. It gives me the same vibes as people who tell chronically fatigued or depressed people to just get better somehow and how they don’t need medicine because it’s bad and artificial (alternatively, that they don’t need medicine because success doesn’t matter! But it does matter because we live under a fucking material based economy and not “succeeding” means you die).

    Edit: he seems to think most things that take a “it’s not your fault” approach to people’s problems (aka most things that acknowledge the existence of mental disorders" are making shit up to feed a generational illness of “TLP narcissism” which is actually the root cause of society’s ills.

    Fuck this guy, seriously

    Edit: On a clarifying redditor fan of this “psychiatrist”:

    Why isn’t it grandiosity (i have lots of grandiose fantasies)? What all narcissists long for is to be taken for high status individuals, whatever that may involve in their environments. It often involves grandiosity, but not always. It might involve victim status in “woke SJW” circles. It might involve being the most “empathic” in new-age circles. Narcissism is too adaptive to characterize it with just grandiosity.

    groooan it’s just ted kacyzyansydmfkkg 2

    A lot of his advice seems good (having an internalized sense of morality rather than relying on others for it) but it’s coming to it from a seriously wrong and ableist direction