We’re an autistic couple. Both of us struggle with intense sensory stimuli, which is making oral sex difficult to give to each other.

Are their any tips on making this easier? We can just try things out and see what works

  • Buglefingers@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’m on the spectrum and I’ve had some experience with both NTs and NDs. Sensory stimuli can vary wildly and it specifically depends on what is the hardest hitter. Texture, wetness, smell, being on the receiving end if the stimulation is too intense, etc.

    Talking to your partner and going slow helps a ton! Finding out what the inhibitors are will guide you to solutions. flavored lube, using protection to reduce stimulation, making it less wet/sloppy, targeting less sensitive areas. Without being in the situation myself I don’t have all the information to give you specific advice. But start with talking and determining the problem areas of sensory issues and determine solutions from that. Don’t be afraid to try nonstandard stuff too!

    Personally something that helped me was looking up where the nerves were most dense on mine and my partners’s gentitalia because that told me what regions were going to be too much to handle or what would be a safer place to start. It’s a strange solution I’ll admit, but it worked well for us at the time