This small essay by Janine Brodie called “Power and Politics” has several other issues, but their most frustrating one is their outright DISMISSAL of Marxist class analysis for the stupidest reasons. Economic determinism? I guess if you yearned to softly dismiss marx by misrepresenting him.

God I fucking hate poli sci majors.

The previous page:

The next one:

I’m not the brightest crayon in the box but is it just me or does Doctor Brodie somehow make politics and power some sort of vague, unsolvable mystery? Like fr I don’t want just an echochamber of nodding heads plz help am I in the wrong?

I need help putting words to my issues with it.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    6 months ago

    A search for the essay online shows that it’s meant to be an introductory social science text for undergrads. This explains why it’s not written with the expectation that it will have to present arguments. It’s good enough for Brodie to say “such and such writer was very important, but another writer disagrees.” It doesn’t do the work of properly explicating theoretical disagreements between thinkers, because that’s not the goal.

    Your professor is gripped by what Friere called the “banking model” of education, wherein the job of the teacher is to simply deposit information into students so it can be retrieved later. I think you’re fine to just tell them “I am aware of the existence of Weber. He’s wrong.”