I like the idea of a less profit-driven business that is maybe more community-focused but I wonder if they have the same capability as a bank? Have you been able to do your banking needs at a credit union? Was the customer service decent?
I like the idea of a less profit-driven business that is maybe more community-focused but I wonder if they have the same capability as a bank? Have you been able to do your banking needs at a credit union? Was the customer service decent?
What do you usually suggest as an alternative to CF?
I used to work for a bank and managed to convince management to use a local company for DDOS protection. That bypassed the NSL risk of a US company, but it still gave a third party mitm power.
Best I’ve seen is some in-house interstitial PoW page, like “Heray” – a proprietary system used by hetzner. But I haven’t found and FOSS solutions that are well documented and fairly trivial to deploy.
I’ve never been on the other side of that problem. And it’s not my problem, so I never looked too deeply into it. I just know if a bank or CU is using Cloudflare I am not using it.