The levels of cyanide in a Walsall canal impacted by a major chemical spill have “improved”, according to the organisation leading the clean-up operation.

About 4,000 litres (879 gallons) of sodium cyanide and other chemicals leaked into the canal on 12 August, closing a 12-mile stretch of the waterway and killing thousands of fish.

A clean-up operation by the Canal and River Trust (CRT) is underway, after it raised more than £20,000 to fund the work.

    6 months ago

    Surely you can’t be advocating for for-profit private companies to pay for their own mess? What would the shareholders think?

    How are we supposed to continue to create wealth for those who don’t need any more wealth if we demand they use their own ill gotten gains to clean up their mess?

    That doesn’t make any sense at all!
