I’ve always understood this site to be anti-gamer but for some reason I’ve always chosen to blind myself to the fact that many of you are just selfdepricating gamers.

You’re not really invested in the cause.

I feel like I’m in an Alcoholics support group and I’m the only one not drinking while you guys just hate on yourselves.

I feel like a clown, feeling supported by TRAITORS.

I stand alone with a double barrel shotgun surrounded by people double handing gamecube controllers what the FUCK

  • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    I gave up on those forums entirely when a thread asked for people to not be toxic shitheads because it was putting off new players and the gearscore calipers got whipped out for that too and the thread blew up into e-bullying for like 100 pages.