Translated video description:

On Sunday 25 August we were alerted for several swimmers who were in trouble at the southern harbour head in Scheveningen. KNRM Scheveningen, the police and the Surf Rescue Team (SRT) of the Scheveningen fire brigade were already present. They had already been able to save 3 people and one person was still missing.

Everything was pulled out of the closet and, among other things, several air units from the Coast Guard and the Police arrived on the scene. The fire brigade also had an extra aerial platform brought in to be able to look between the blocks from a height. The emergency services who were standing on the harbour head searched as best they could between the blocks themselves. After a good 2 hours of searching, it was decided to end the search. Partly due to the falling darkness, the time that had passed and the circumstances, the chance of survival was very small.

The days that followed, an intensive search was conducted and the remains of the missing person were eventually recovered.

Our thoughts naturally go out to the family and the emergency services involved.

Such efforts always have an impact on the group of dedicated volunteers. With these images we want to show that we do more than just “sailing a boat”.