I started to become interested in feminism over the last few months, but with the last horrifying cases of crimes against women i saw that many feminist women have (reasonably) learned to fear us, or at least, have some resentment towards us (again, reasonably), so, do we have a place in this movement, or we should take a step aside

  • badbrainstorm@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It’s not much, but I have a shirt with the Marie Shear quote “feminism is the radical notion that women are people” on it. At least twice while wearing it I’ve had agro dudes lose their shit on me about it! I feel for the ladies all the time, and have often felt like I was lucky to be born a man. While it’s not likely, I hope to see this change in our lifetimes. It is absolutely a gentleman’s duty to stand up for, and stand by the fairer sex