We have finally reached the point where we no longer have enough space to dry our clothes indoors, and will need to invest in a dryer.

We have a washing machine in our bathroom (also small) so the dryer would ideally go under/over that.

Does anyone have experience building or buying an appropriate stand? The dryer and washing machine will likely weigh about 50-60kgs each.

  • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    We used this, simple and works. Straps the dryer to top of washing machine (lashing strap runs under washing machine, over dryer and is cranked tight). Plus you get a pull out shelf in between


    Have also had combo washer / dryers which also work but don’t tend to dry as well or as quickly as dedicated dryers.

    The dryer would always need to go on top if you have two machines. Plus look for one that lets you connect the condensed water to the same drain as the washing machine. (You can get ones that collect water in a drawer but need to constantly empty them which is a pain)