Emails: permanent written record I can refer to later

Can reply in my own time

Low labour

Low resource use

Phone call: Times/dates mentioned will be forgotten often

Active demand of time

I don’t pick up because that phone number looks weird but also my phone’s vibrate function is weak

High labour

High data cost per information

My shrink’s office seems to want to keep billing information and past/present appointments secret. (This also seems to be worse in local industry, everything has to be a meeting instead of a two line email)

  • miz [any, any]
    6 months ago

    in short everything will marginally dehumanize and extract value until the working class cannot reproduce itself and the world dies

    Now your dreams will never again be so peaceful. You will see capital in your nights, like a nightmare, that presses you and threatens to crush you. With terrified eyes you will see it get fatter, like a monster with one hundred proboscises that feverishly search the pores of your body to suck your blood. And finally you will learn to assume its boundless and gigantic proportions, its appearance dark and terrible, with eyes and mouth of fire, morphing its suckers into enormous hopeful trumpets, within which you’ll see thousands of human beings disappear: men, women, children. Down your face will trickle the sweat of death, because your time, and that of your wife and your children will soon arrive. And your final moan will be drowned out by the happy sneering of the monster, glad with your state, so much richer, so much more inhumane.

    —Carlo Cafiero, Summary of Marx’s Capital (1879)