• Ford’s CEO said Tesla’s Cybertruck is for “Silicon Valley people” not “real people who do real work.”
  • Jim Farley said Tesla’s pickup truck won’t compete with the F-150 Lightning.
  • Tesla is expected to release the EV pickup later this year, but it’s been delayed several times.
  • SJ_Zero@lemmy.fbxl.net
    1 year ago

    I agree with you that most people driving trucks probably don’t need to be driving trucks. My home vehicle is a nice little Corolla that gets great gas mileage.

    But reality is that for a lot of workers, the show must go on, rain or shine, heat wave or cold snap. I’ve had to be that guy – coldest day of the year and some piece of critical infrastructure is broken, the boss says “I don’t care, we need it working, get out there”. Temperatures that cold you literally start to feel death’s caress. It starts to soak into your meat, and it at some point it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing.

    Days like that, even a diesel is pretty scary, but pretty much no vehicle ever turns off. If it’s a gas vehicle at least the block heater can let you start the thing.