The benefit of sous vide for a restaurant is you can hold multiple steaks at rare and give them a quick sear when ordered. The soaking breaks down the collagen which ultimately makes the steak tender.
However, for a home cook a reverse sear will give a superior steak. It will similarly break down the collagen, but also creates a nice crust that sous vide can’t create.
Restaurants don’t reverse sear because it’s unpredictable and takes too much time.
The benefit of sous vide for a restaurant is you can hold multiple steaks at rare and give them a quick sear when ordered. The soaking breaks down the collagen which ultimately makes the steak tender.
However, for a home cook a reverse sear will give a superior steak. It will similarly break down the collagen, but also creates a nice crust that sous vide can’t create.
Restaurants don’t reverse sear because it’s unpredictable and takes too much time.