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Another week in the books. Let’s chat about manga in the general discussion thread! Feel free to use this thread for questions, comments, recommendations, etc.

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  • wjs018@ani.socialOPM
    6 months ago

    I am going to only talk about two series this week. One of them I mentioned last week as well, so I will start with that one.

    Last week I recommended this series when I was only 5 chapters in. This week, I just finished volume 4 (chapter 24). My recommendation from last week holds up 100%. I have been really enjoying this series. It is such a nice, comfy, adult romance. In addition to the main pair, there is an interesting cast of side characters that I genuinely am invested in their stories as well.

    One of the things I have really appreciated about this series is that, even though the main couple are in a lesbian relationship, it has literally never been a point of drama, or even commented on by any character in the series. It just feels perfectly natural and is accepted by everybody else in-universe, including older characters like parents and grandparents. I just really appreciate that the author didn’t try to inject drama into an otherwise chill series in that way.

    This has been on my to-read ever since the first season of the anime wrapped up. I finally dove in this past week and started working through it. I just finished up the second volume and have been enjoying it so far. Even just reading this far, I definitely sympathize with the complaints that and others had in the discussion threads for the anime. The artwork is really good, and that was not really translated to the animation at all.

    Story-wise, the adaptation was pretty faithful so far. I have just gotten to the tournament arc in the story where the cast of characters begins to expand quite a bit though, so I am expecting that there might be more exposition that was cut for time in the anime through this section.