• Buelldozer@lemmy.today
    6 months ago

    Not sure where the 4 days comes from.

    It comes from here.

    That’s a solid / highly regarded source but the data they used stretches as far back as 2000. Four days to see a GP may have been accurate in 2014 but could easily be out of date now.

    The 21 days from the US is just madness tho, if accurate.

    That 21 days number was a nationwide average from during the pandemic. I tracked down their source and while the infographic says “2023” the study source says 2021-2022…right during the pandemic. So not only is the year wrong the infographic is mislabled / misleading.

    The study is fucking trash and someone took that trash, piled it into a dumpster, and then set it on fire in order to produce the infographic.