Even our health foods are poisoned with this shit. Amazing. Funniest part is they found higher concentrations of PFAS in the organic kale, further destroying any meaning for that label.

Studies have previously found PFAS in vegetables in fields where sewage sludge was laid as an alternative to fertilizer, and the FDA claimed it had “no indication” of a health threat in PFAS it found in vegetables grown in 2018 near a North Carolina PFAS manufacturing plant.


  • as much as we all love to accept headlines at face value without any critical analysis, it’s worth noting that the publisher of this paper is a one-person NPO that seems mostly interested in de-regulating nutritional supplements.

    so, it might be worth looking for replication before you throw out all your vegetables.

    also, PFAS is literally in everything now. we made it, put it everywhere, and the decomposers can’t unmake it, so it’s everywhere because that’s how food webs work and why “forever chemicals” are not something we should create.

    also, biosolids (sewage sludge that has been treated to reduce the threat of pathogens) are the inelegant solution to the problem of human nutrient consumption (75% of the nitrogen that passes your lips comes out your anus… and coincidentally (cough co-evolutionarily) nitrogen is the limiting element in plant production systems). biosolids are a disaster in the era of heavy metal contamination and forever chemicals. they are a product of having far too many poopers in a limited geographic location. a bear shitting in the woods is fine good. 2.6 million bears shitting within 10 square miles is chemically and biologically toxic waste and a logistical nightmare.