Table of contents

She pulled off and then straddled his hips. His large cock was still quite hard and angry looking. Intercourse had always been missionary before, but no longer. She had dreamed of doing this. Taking his cock in hand, she lined it up, and impaled herself on it…

They moaned in pleasure in unison. She was so wet and felt the need to be filled and his cock was perfect for it. She just held there for a moment though, feeling him throb inside of her, and she looked down at him, her husband, and marveled at how much she had been able to change things in so short a time. His hands were stretched above his head and held there nicely by the scarf. He chest and pectoral muscles stretched out. He looked so beautiful.

What really got her though was the look in his eyes as he gazed up at her. There was desperation there, the absolute biological need to cum, but something else too, something new. And the closest she could get to what it might be was adoration. Oh, she had seen looks of love from him before, but this had a slightly different feel. Almost like a combination of worship and begging with his eyes.

Her hands caressed his chest, playing over his nipples, something she had never done before, and he moaned. He actually moaned having his nipples played with. Her masculine man. She was not in a rush now that he was inside her, spending a few minutes just cherishing this moment, and feeling so excited about the future. This was only the beginning to her plans, but it could not have gone better.

She bent down and kissed him, his mouth opening for her. It was a passionate kiss, but not wild. She knew it wouldn’t take either of them long to orgasm.

“Okay baby,” she whispered, “Cum for me…”

And she went more vertical again and started to ride him. Not desperately, but not gently either. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure and she wasn’t sure how much of that was from the physical and how much from the psychological. She never knew sex could be this good. She had never been able to ride him like this, every time she had tried, he would roll her onto her back, and she absolutely loved being on top. It physically felt so much better and deeper than missionary, and she had complete control over the pace. There was no going back after this. She was pretty sure this is what intercourse would look like going forward.

John’s moans were deep and full of pleasure. He was completely lost in this and had never felt so much pleasure from sex as he was tonight. He felt the way her vaginal walls grasped his cock and everything she did or said only aroused him more. Every time he felt the scarves that bound him, he would moan again at the helplessness and vulnerability he felt. Any initial reservations he had about this were gone, at least in this moment. He almost came on the spot when she whispered her command to cum.

As she started to ride him, he felt the orgasm build quickly. She wasn’t slow about it and had complete control over it and that aroused him too. His breathing got heavier and heavier and his moans matched hers. He cried out in ecstasy as his orgasm crested and he started to cum deep inside of her. At that, she cried out, ground down on him hard, rubbing her clit on his pubis, and shuddered almost uncontrollably in her own powerful orgasm.

The both shook with it for quite some time as she collapsed on top of him while they both regained their senses, and their breath. She kissed him tenderly on the neck. Finally she reached for the scarves and a quick tug released them. His arms immediately went around her and held her. She knew this was a somewhat dangerous moment in her plans, as the hormonal changes men went through post coitus could sometimes cause quick unpredictable changes in thinking. The serotonin quickly reducing the dopamine in his brain.

She needn’t have worried though. He held her close and he finally said, “That…that was incredible honey. I love you so much.”

She had him. She really had him. She was so happy as she replied, “I am so glad you liked it honey. I absolutely loved it and adore you for letting me give this a try. You have made me so happy tonight.”

She had been tempted to add more about the next time, but she felt pretty sure that HE would come to HER about the next time, and that the seed of her happiness that she just planted would take root and grow. She had done it, she had successfully started to dominate her husband and he had loved it.

It was only going to get better, and deeper, for them both.

She fell asleep with a smile on her face.