Been pooping today and my poop was black which had me worried. Normally it’s never black unless I’m drinking. So in a panic I googled it and of course you get all the same looking medical sites that alert you that you have severe stomach bleeding and are going to die at any second.

So I do what everyone is forced to do, add “reddit” to the end of my search term, and what do you know? It’s the same shit on reddit. Someone has black stool and some redditor called “fartboxpuncher” tells them they’re dying.

You have to dig through like 60 something same replies until you find someone who actually did have black stool and who’s partner is a nurse. They said wait it out 24 hours and see if it doesn’t go away, or it might be something you’re eating.

Sucks that people are forced to put up with the highest upvoted “answers” being copy pasted from and not from someone with like actual first-hand advice.

And that’s not to even mention the AI results which probably would tell me I’m turning into a lizard and I should drink gasoline.

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      6 months ago

      CW: self harm

      !Something hilarious when I tried to OD they had me drink charcoal. It actually didn’t taste too bad. It soaks up all the substances in your system so they don’t have to pump your stomach. What surprised me was when I took a shit and it looked like crushed charcoal dust in water. Didn’t smell but I freaked the fuck out when I saw it before I remembered EMTs gave me a few charcoal shakes.!<

      Was a fun experience for the most part, really felt refreshed. Just wish it didn’t come with hospitalization and bad thoughts.