i posted about passing on a job offer a few weeks ago. I didn’t really pass on it, I accepted but told them that the work wasn’t what i really wanted to do, and they decided to rescind the offer. same thing

jobs are so scarce, I definitely should have just said nothing and sign the contract. They would drop me any time they wanted, so I can leave any time I want too. i just couldn’t commit to something i thought would make me miserable.

At the time I didn’t think I could even tolerate the job. Got some space to think properly and I just don’t think that’s true any more. I can tolerate it fine. Work environment is fine, pay is fine, just the work wasnt what i wanted to focus on. These are all just tech white collar jobs anyways, what was i hesitating for. motherfucker

I’ve got some clarity now, i’ll move on. sometimes i just hate myself

  • eight [it/its]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    misery in the hand is better than two misery in the bush. guarantee you that that job would have sucked twice as much as you think it would have.