• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    I will give this a tiny bit of leyway.

    Every vote for Trump is BOTH a lost vote for Harris, AND a vote for Trump. If there are 100 people voting for Trump and Harris as neighbourhood VIP, and 80 of them pledge themselves for Harris and 20 for Trump, it’s not a big deal if 50 of the 80 Harris voters decide on Election Day that they’d rather be doing something else than voting, Harris wins 30 to 20, and we’re all good. We could even lose 1 or 2 of these votes to Third Party candidates like Stein, and it’d not matter, But if 29 of the 80 voters say “fuck that woman, Imma vote for Trump”, then suddenly we need all 51 remaining voters to stay on deck, because if three of them decide to stay home or vote third party, we’re fucked. If only ONE of them decides to join the Trumpers, it’s game over – 50/50 tie, and the game is rigged for the Trumpers to get him elected VIP if that happens.

    That is what I meant by marginally better. That Stein voter could have betrayed everything they claim to stand for and become a Trump voter, after all!

    • LillyPip@lemmy.ca
      10 hours ago

      In a perfect world, where the president was chosen by the popular vote, yes, you’d be right. Going by pure mathematics, everything you said is true.

      Unfortunately we have the electoral college, and in key places, the margins are so thin that only a handful of voters being swayed to vote for Stein can make all the difference. We saw this in 2016, where the popular vote went to Hillary but she lost, and the margins in key areas was less than what Stein won in those areas.

      This is why she’s being pushed so hard. It has worked before.

      I get that people are disillusioned by the clusterfuck that FPTP voting has created, which is why I’ve been pushing so hard for people to fight that, rather than protest-voting, which is objectively worse.

      • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
        10 hours ago

        Oh, I’m 100% with you on this! It comes down to this because we have such a bitterly divided country (and frankly world – 8 years ago, I was begging to move to Canada, now, not so much), and it’s real easy to convince people in swing-states to make frankly absofuckinglutely stupid decisions and vote Third Party.

        I was just saying it can be worse. That Stein voter could just cut to the chase and vote Trump to ‘burn it all down’…like many said they were going to do in 2016.

          • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
            10 hours ago

            Heh, indeed. In the end, we have a fight on our hands. If this election were to be decided like it should be, 70 to 30 AGAINST the convicted felon, if not more, then our resident Satanist could be ignored without a second thought. But it’s like 50.1 vs. 49.9 in the closest races, the ones that will decide the election in the EC, with the Shitgibbon just a HAIRS width behind Harris, and we’ve got all the same shitheads that we PROVED in 2016 were in the tank for Russia and Trump, pushing the exact same bullshit that the Dems are the evilest evil since the beginning of Evil and you should totally vote for the Greenie or somebody else or just fucking stay home, and it fucking worked in 2016 and was pretty damn close to working in 2020. And they’re using and abusing all forms of social media to keep shovelling their bullshit.

            Just 28 days, 4 hours, 11 minutes and 36…35…34 HEHEHE seconds until this shit is over. Here’s hoping it ends with the good outcome and not Trump for 4 more years!