First, let’s define being conscious as at least having a mind that is aware and has a will.

Maybe there’s and argument if the being wishes to be used, but the argument I’m going to make is not about that.

The following is said without judgement because it’s something I’ve done for most of my life before noticing and taking action.

If we recognize that a being (organic, silicon based or whatever) with a conscience should not be exploited and used against its will, there is no reason we should not apply the same principle to the animals we exploit and kill daily when we pay for their products. They should have a right to at least not be exploited.

Please take that into consideration and know that you can take action to stop this injustice. Check out the sub for more info and feel free to ask anything in the comments or DM me.

  • laloOP
    4 months ago

    I agree that veganism is about the animals, but why do we care about them? Is it not their consciousness that make them morally significant?

    I see no distinction between conscious beings, be them from this world of not, carbon-made or not.

    Btw I’m not trying to create AI-ganism or anything like that. My purpose with this post was to help non vegans that care about this problem make the same connection with the animals they exploit.