After checking what Game Atelier, the devs of GOAT metroidvania Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom have been up to, I discovered that their upcoming game, which has a demo on Steam right now, is called Otherskin and reminds me in more ways than not of Metroid Prime.

You’re a woman who’s crash-landed on a alien planet where the ruins of an ancient civilization have been lying dormant, while they are increasingly being infested by “the corruption”. The game plays in a third-person perspective (which is where it differs from Metroid Prime the most) and you jump and shoot and kill enemies to absorb their powers, be they grappling hooks, bombs, or even a super-jump that makes you fly into the air. I cannot fault the game for its high ambitions - and the graphics look wonderful and the gameplay is nice. There’s some rough edges, too - I am confused as to why there isn’t a map system. Gonna check back once it releases for sure though.

    2 days ago

    This looks great! I will probably play either way, but does this have puzzles? I do like the puzzle aspects of the Prime series as much as the combat and platforming.