Israel has tightened its siege of northern Gaza in the face of warnings from the UN and other aid agencies that hundreds of thousands of Palestinian lives at are risk, raising questions over whether the Netanyahu government’s ultimate war aims include territorial expansion.

The IDF says it is hunting Hamas militants but suspicions are growing that Israel is putting into practice a blueprint it had officially distanced itself from, known as the “generals’ plan”.

The plan, named after the retired senior officers promoting it, was intended to depopulate northern Gaza by giving the Palestinians trapped there an opportunity to evacuate and then treating those that stayed as combatants, laying total siege.

    4 months ago

    The country that has armed settlers go take land all the time already in the West Bank? Nah. /s

    I’m the kid who stood in line and watched everyone in the Pepsi Challenge pick the cup on the left. It was always on the left. It’s how (this one anyway) was set up. So 50 people ahead of me choose Left like good consumers and get their prize (I think you got a Pepsi if you picked right - again maybe just how this one got run) and jack shit or a button if you picked Coke. I pick Right. Because I’ve always done stupid shit like that thinking this was the one that’s different.

    The idea of Israel not intending to gain territory to me is not a bet even the kid who failed the Pepsi Challenge would take.