so, because of recent events im kind of worried and would like to archive what litrature i can, mainly queer stuff as thats propably at risk or will be, are there any places that allow specific bulk downloads/torrents? tried annas archive but as far as i know that only allows for general and random bulk torrents, and i only have 60 ish gb to work with

    4 months ago

    Other people have already given the answers I’d have said, so I’ll say this:

    When you do collect enough of the “banned” books to warrant a torrent, create one and share it widely so kids can find em. Something that mentions “banned books” so it’ll be easily findable if someone searches that.

    That said: they’re not really banned in the like actual sense of the word. They’re not banned from being sold, nor bought, nor read, nor owned, and afaik nobody is raiding publishers with rifles and making mass burn pits of books. They’re banned from most schools and some public libraries. The public libraries I agree is egregious but tbf, most of the ones I looked into would have been banned in my school too, and not because “gay” but for stuff like the blowjob scene in a graphic novel, if that scene, which I’ve been corrected on multiple times, (it wasn’t technically a blowjob it was “strap on play,” but) “graphic depictions of strap on play” between straight couples would be similarly banned. Most of the other “banned” ones with no pictures say some naughty words, and IMO that’s a piss poor reason to ban something, but it is consistent that whether the person saying “fuck” is gay or straight it’s going to be banned for the word “fuck.” Hell back in my day they wanted to ban To Kill A Mockingbird because it says the N-word (and that btw was the progressives not the conservatives, pearl clutching at supposed racism despite that literally being an anti-racist book.)

    Again, not saying I agree with banning books in schools, fuck it if they want they should have copies of 50 Shits of Grey in elementary schools imo, I’m a fan of disseminating information, but it is being unilaterally enforced and “straight profanity” isn’t allowed either.