, This is the initiative I am talking about. You have to prove you are an EU citizen and then you can sign for the initiatives you want and if a million signatures are reaching within a year then it must be brought to the EU commission.

So if citizens of EU member states can sign online, why can’t they vote online for elections or referendums? If possible, this would decrease the need and power of representative democracy and move closer to direct democracy, which I argue is a good thing

    4 months ago

    It is still a valid concern here and it’s why we still vote physically.

    We also put our paper choice in a envelope, operation done from a one person polling booth. People in the voting room make sure everyone, including couples, are not watching or forcing a choice to another.

    The vote is always done the Sunday to give the time for the most people to go voting (a lot of enterprises and shops are closed the Sunday). And if you work, your boss can’t block you to leave few hours for voting.