Asked him what he was doing in a few days in the evening and he told me “can’t hang out, I’m in prison.” He’s in prison in the evenings and every other weekend.

Gave him a ride to the prison too, we stopped for burgers and he was worried he was gonna be “late for prison.”

He got arrested via letter.

I dunno, system and so on, but also just… That’s funny. Remove systemic critique from your mind and just grasp the concept of being late for prison. Remove the rational thought too, because it kinda makes sense to let people be in prison part-time. It’s super normal. Just… Part time prison. It’s funny. It’s like a guy turning himself into a pickle. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.

Imagine getting arrested by letter. Wouldn’t be me, I’m built different (I did get arrested by letter once actually, funniest shit. Didn’t show up and my mom called the police to tell them off for sending me the letter lmao. She’s not important, there’s no calss thing, she’s just a mom. They apologised to her lol)

I need to stress this is real.

Since a lot of people read this like it’s in the US and it’s the US system - It’s not. It’s one of those damn commie scandinavian countries

edit: Since a lot of people read this like it’s in the US and it’s the US system - It’s not. It’s one of those damn commie scandinavian countries

  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I did weekend jail for MTR probation for being sixty dollars behind on fees.

    Six months of weekends, or 90 days in the hoosegow. Had to be there Friday by 545pm, released sundays 3pm.

    Strip searched every weekend. ‘Squat, lift yr sack and cough’. Spent weekends changing oil on cop cars, mowing city parks, and picking garbage up off the beach. All in jail stripes. I saw friends, people I went to school with, former coworkers, etc all while being followed by a fat man with a scattergun on a Mule and told to pick up trash faster or I could just stay for the week instead of being sent home Sundays.

    Great tines.