It’s going to be my longest yet. I’ve been training to do it for a while and my body has been behaving so might as well do it now.
Means I’ll be gone for a while. Probably a few months.
Keep my seat warm.
Ps I’m Banksy
Also please take my alt I didn’t end up using. Would be sad not to see such a good name get use
For my comrades who dislike the mystique and my ND comrades who are unsure about the tone
- I am going for a run
- The run will not last several months, but unrelated to the run I have very fortuitously and quite suddenly gotten my hands on some resources that allows me to do some things I have wanted to do for a long time. Doing these things requires embracing thought
I don’t know how long it will take to do these things, but I think it’s gonna be somewhere between three hours and five years. Realistically though it’s probably a few months. I can’t say any more than this, but know it’s all good. Since I wanted to go for a marathon anyway I figured I might as well leave on a high note.
This doesn’t have anything to do with the strugglesession, but the timing is kinda funny. Would have been nice if it had happened a week ago, but I just couldn’t do that to my haters
This doesn’t have anything to do with opsec or threats or anything else worrisome either - Not that it should have, but I just want to quell any rumors that might pop up.
I am banksy though
REgon going for a run
Seriously though, go do whatever you need to do, and if/when you return we’ll be right here. Kamelåså.
Lies. The real reason they’re leaving is because the checks from Langley have started bouncing. They’ll be back by the next fiscal quarter, just you wait and see
REgon more like REgone