So this is only the second time I’ve attempted gathering. First time was a total disaster as I pulled too hard and the threads snapped, but this time worked ok. Still, it was very tedious.

I’m using the method both patterns explained, which is where you make two rows of long stitches and pull from the sides.

So, the way I figure it either:

a) my machine’s “longest stitch length” isn’t as long as everyone else’s which is why it’s harder for me than it seems to be for others

b) I’m doing something obviously stupid or misinterpreting the instructions in some way

c) gathering with this method is just inherently tedious

I’m not sure which one is correct but if anyone has any tips, better gathering methods or general solidarity to share I’d really appreciate it.

Thank you!

  • thegiddystitcher@lemm.eeOP
    1 year ago

    Thank you! First of all for making me feel a lot better because you’re clearly an expert so if it’s finicky for you too I must be ok.

    And also for all of the tips! Definitely seems like there’s a few ways to do it and the only way to find out which I prefer is gonna be to try them all at some point.

    Challenge accepted 😎