As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
I guess Rozemyne hadn’t considered taking Ferdinand’s collection of books with her? I was kind of thinking that’d be a given. Even just giving her a room with some empty shelves and a promise of some future contributions would’ve been better than nixing the whole idea.
Considering that those still belong to Ferdinand and he’s just indefinitely loaning them to her, under the asumption that he’ll never be able to return to Ehrenfest, that would be something of a bad-faith move, especially now that Rozemyne is actively working toward having Ferdinand returned to Ehrenfest.
I guess Rozemyne hadn’t considered taking Ferdinand’s collection of books with her? I was kind of thinking that’d be a given. Even just giving her a room with some empty shelves and a promise of some future contributions would’ve been better than nixing the whole idea.
Considering that those still belong to Ferdinand and he’s just indefinitely loaning them to her, under the asumption that he’ll never be able to return to Ehrenfest, that would be something of a bad-faith move, especially now that Rozemyne is actively working toward having Ferdinand returned to Ehrenfest.
If she can, that’s a lot of books! I wonder how much it would cost to transport that much stuff! K either money or mana)