So, Powerplay. Its not about 2.0 or something, just about powerplay in its purest Form.

First of all, who is it for? Like, I currently am pretty much just grinding for a new fer de Lance right now, and I found no real way of making worthwhile money while helping my power. So is it like only for people who have money to spare?

Second, is it just about the merits, or do people actually fight for their favourite power? Most tutorials just go over earning merits, so is there even a community actually using powerplay as it was intended?

  1. Is there even any way doing what you like and supporting your power in the meantime, or is it just „do these hyper-specific things 50 times”. So, can I like make my power stronger in that system by doing missions or bounties?

I am very New to powerplay, but I did not find any guide to that, so I appreciate your answers

    2 months ago

    I can’t speak for the developers’ intentions, but Power Play does seem to bring goals to a game that is mostly a sandbox with no “main quest”. Perhaps that’s what they have in mind?

    Last week’s merit changes made a greater variety of activities award meaningful merits, so chances are pretty good that you can now help your power while making money or doing things you like.

    Yes, bounty hunting is one of the ways you can strengthen a power’s hold on a system, although this might depend on which power you choose. Someone compiled a list a few weeks ago.

    Do note that while solo players can reasonably progress their way to merit awards, it takes an enormous amount of work to sway control of a system, so that is best done in groups. Unfortunately, most Elite Dangerous groups seem to gather on Discord, which excludes those of us who can’t or won’t use it.