Hello all!

I’m trying to get my foot in the door with HF digital and looking for antenna suggestions using FT8/JS8Call with a Xiegu G90.

I have ~60 ft if space in the backyard to work with & live on the second story looking down into the yard (~20ft up).

I’d ideally like something portable I can pack up and take around with me camping. I’m leaning towards a random length wire right now, but would love to hear what you come up with!

Thanks in advance!

    • Jason - VE3MAL@lemmy.radio
      1 year ago

      An EFHW can be oriented as an inverted-V, it’s just that it’s fed at the end rather than in the middle (at the top). If that’s how you set it up, the main difference is some transformer losses in the EFHW, but it can operate on all harmonics rather than just odd harmonic bands. A center fed inverted v may be a little more tolerant with regards to tuning the length. Centre-fed is going to be more “idiot proof” in that respect and possibly easier as a first antenna.

    • skillissuer
      1 year ago

      that’s regular dipole, just slightly bent in middle. it’s more efficient as EFHW transformer is not a bottleneck in terms of power

      on a specific length you can make it work on fundamental and odd harmonics (realistically only 40-15 and 30-10 combinations) as a linked dipole. for work on other bands you’d need to reconfigure your antenna (bring it down, connect something, bring it up again)

      alternatively, consider OCFD, which gets you benefits of both (4:1 transformer as used with OCFD with the same toroid size won’t limit you as badly as with EFHW) https://www.qsl.net/kk4obi/OCF Harmonics.html depending on where you feed it, you might need to skip one band (40, 20, 15 or 40, 20, 10, but there’s a way to make it work with 40, 20, 15 and 10)

      both antennas are good choice for portable operation

      other option is fan dipole, that is 40m, 20m and 10m connected in parallel. this is bespoke, definitely not portable antenna, but it gives you 40m, 20m, 15m (3rd harmonic of 40m) and 10m out of the box