My wife has done this a few times. I think she’s jealous of guys being able to pee standing up

    3 months ago

    That’s only because we don’t teach little girls how to from age two. Women can learn, it’s not especially difficult, just a completely different type of aim.

    For anyone wondering: make a peace sign with your dominant hand and position it so that your two extended fingers get a good grip on your labia, with the tips about 1-3 cm from your urethra. Pull everything slightly forward, and begin peeing with great pressure. When you can’t sustain the pressure, cut the stream off (this was actually way harder for me to learn than the aiming).

    Start in the shower to practice pressure control while aiming at the drain. When you’re confident, do it in the shower before turning the water on, to confirm your aim is true and you’re not losing stray drops. When that’s the case, congratulations! You can pee standing up.