Day 8: Resonant Collinearity
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I was surprised when my solution worked for part 2 since I thought you also had to include fractions of antenna distances, but apparently not.
function readInput(inputFile::String)::Matrix{Char} f = open(inputFile,"r") lines::Vector{String} = readlines(f) close(f) cityMap = Matrix{Char}(undef,length(lines),length(lines[1])) for (i,l) in enumerate(lines) cityMap[i,:] = collect(l) end return cityMap end function getAntennaLocations(cityMap::Matrix{Char})::Dict antennaLocations = Dict{Char,Vector{Vector{Int}}}() for l=1 : size(cityMap)[1] for c=1 : size(cityMap)[2] cityMap[l,c]=='.' ? continue : nothing if !haskey(antennaLocations,cityMap[l,c]) antennaLocations[cityMap[l,c]] = [] end push!(antennaLocations[cityMap[l,c]],[l,c]) end end return antennaLocations end function countAntinodes(cityMap::Matrix{Char},antLoc::Dict{Char,Vector{Vector{Int}}},withHarmonics::Bool)::Int #antLoc: antenna locations lBounds = 1:size(cityMap)[1]; cBounds = 1:size(cityMap)[2] anodeLocs::Matrix{Bool} = zeros(size(cityMap)) for key in keys(antLoc) for i=1 : length(antLoc[key]) withHarmonics&&length(antLoc[key])>1 ? anodeLocs[antLoc[key][i][1],antLoc[key][i][2]]=1 : nothing #add antenna locations as antinodes #should also add fractions of antenna distances, but works without for j=i+1 : length(antLoc[key]) harmonic::Int = 1 while true n1l = antLoc[key][i][1]+harmonic*(antLoc[key][i][1]-antLoc[key][j][1]) n1c = antLoc[key][i][2]+harmonic*(antLoc[key][i][2]-antLoc[key][j][2]) n2l = antLoc[key][j][1]+harmonic*(antLoc[key][j][1]-antLoc[key][i][1]) n2c = antLoc[key][j][2]+harmonic*(antLoc[key][j][2]-antLoc[key][i][2]) if n1l in lBounds && n1c in cBounds anodeLocs[n1l,n1c] = 1 end if n2l in lBounds && n2c in cBounds anodeLocs[n2l,n2c] = 1 end withHarmonics ? nothing : break !(n1l in lBounds) && !(n1c in cBounds) && !(n2l in lBounds) && !(n2c in cBounds) ? break : harmonic+=1 end end end end return sum(anodeLocs) end @info "Part 1" println("antinode count $(countAntinodes(getAntennaLocations(readInput("day08Input"))),false)") @info "Part 2" println("antinode count $(countAntinodes(getAntennaLocations(readInput("day08Input"))),faltrue)")