I would like to start creating some basic guides on topics I am skilled in. Some examples are a broad, high level overview of OSINT and how to do it. SSRF, SQLMap, leveraging AI for hacking, password cracking(Hashcat), and a number of other topics. Is there any interest in these or are there specific topics you all would like a guide / walkthrough/ cheats sheet for? If any of you want to create a guide for anything feel free to do so. Once I get the wiki up and running the best guides will be placed in the wiki.

  • iced_blood
    2 years ago

    anything and everything. problem with being a beginner is that we don’t even know what to search for when we have a problem or a question. obviously not the complete basics that are accessible on YouTube.

    I think a lot of noobs such as myself would appreciate a guide on how to help ourselves.