Hello everyone. Hope everyone has had a good week. I’ve had a busy week (3 job interviews) but still found time to play a lot of Binding of Isaac since a muscle injury has kept me out of the gym. Hope everyone has a good upcoming week.
Hello everyone. Hope everyone has had a good week. I’ve had a busy week (3 job interviews) but still found time to play a lot of Binding of Isaac since a muscle injury has kept me out of the gym. Hope everyone has a good upcoming week.
Try Far Cry 3, the best one. The politics are still bad (it’s basically “quirked up white boy with a little bit of swag busts it down sexual style… is he goated with the sauce?” played completely unironically) but it works somehow and it’s fun as hell.
Smh can’t believe this slander against Blood Dragon, the best FarCry with the best politics.
Blood Dragon is an FC3 expansion pack, it’s part of FC3
Was going to say you can play it without owning FC3 but forgot that it’s literally called FarCry 3: Blood Dragon lol.
Michael Mando as Vaas really took that game up a notch IMO. If being in this game is what gave him the opportunity to play Nacho in Better Call Saul then I say Far Cry 3 was worth it.