Why the fuck is it always toilet paper?
I can tell you that wiping my ass is not even close to the top of my list of necessities. Especially if I still have running water.
Take a shit then wipe your ass with a wet hand and then wash your fuckin hands. It’s that simple.
A bidet is an upgrade over toilet paper anyway.
Pays for itself in like 2 months. It was soooo nice not having to worry at all during the Covid shortage. Better for the environment, too. There are literally no downsides (except missing it everywhere that doesn’t have one).
I still can’t figure out how people seem resistant to the concept. As someone else said, if you got shit on your hand, would you be okay just wiping it with paper?
Two months?! How much are you spending on toilet paper?
Back when I first got one (2015)*, roughly a 18 pack per month ($15) for a family plus regular visitors. The bidet cost $30.
Why does that look like Bobby Hill painted brown with squirrel teeth?
Because it’s Bobby Hill painted brown with squirrel teeth (it was from an episode where hank was having nightmares)
Are those people the same who voted for Trump?
Oh, absolutely. COVID was a good indicator as to what you absolutely need and what you might run out of. Anything you buy now will either be unavailable, or more expensive (even just due to general inflation if nothing else), so the only limits are shelf life and storage space.