Diablo was the first game I ever bought for my perfoma Mac when I was a kid. I have played out each game since. I played the betas. I have reached a point where I do not know what to do.

I have not finished the campaign. In fact I haven’t even finished act III. Both my barbarian and sorceress have appeared to have reached a plateau at around level 35.

At around level 30, in world tier II, I started getting really terrible drops. Magic only, legendary that was worse that what I had. Finally around 35 for my sorceress and 37 with my barb, I got fed up with the terrible drops and just took the first positive change I found and went back out to see if this would yield better loot.

The first bear I meet I use all my health potions on. My attacks seem to take less health away. I finally make it to a dungeon. Can’t make it to the boss because I keep dying.

I figured I sold my sweet gear, let me just jump back to world tier I and grind till better loot falls. Bears still three hit me, and I still get crap loot.

I changed my skill load outs, made best use of the loot I got and continued to try and grind to get better loot. I still only got magic and crap legendary.

What am I supposed to do at this point? I can’t make it to a dungeon to fight a dungeon boss without having to TP back to replenish my potions a half dozen times. Can’t move the campaign forward, simple crowd of minions melt me in a second. Monsters don’t even drop health globes. Am I just supposed to start a new character and hope I don’t repeat this same mistake again? How are you supposed to recover from a mistake like that?

  • LilBagOfBunnies@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If you didn’t already, take a look on Google or YouTube for starter builds for your classes to make sure synergies are working as effectively as possible. Then maybe try to either party up with people and just hang out while they kill enemies, or go to the world events and hope that others come along and clear it with/for you. Hopefully some drops from the chests will help, but focus on the murmuring obols. Spend them on the gambler in town to hopefully get lucky on some nice rares or legendaries to get you back on track.

    What kind of Sorc did you build? I can send you what I’ve been running which seems to work really well. I’m not a pro or anything so I’m sure there are better meta builds, but my ice build is fun.

    • snekerpimp@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I have done a few builds I’ve found on the interwebs, for both my barb and sorceress, but I feel it’s my equipment keeping me back. Mainly the armor. I also can’t seem to make my play style match the builds. I have built fire sorcerers since the beginning, mainly finding hydra builds that would just evaporate mobs. And my barb builds are always spinning top tanks. These builds I find online do not fit these play styles. Guess I’m just old and set in my ways.

      I wish I could make it to a world event. I haven’t even revealed the entire map. I leave the safety of a town and I’m toast.