A good reason never to bother about Klarna and just ignore the company for the rest of my life. 🖖
Guess he is in the “find out” period.
Having seen how shit AI is day in, day out, I won’t be touching Klarna with a barge pole. Who wants to put their money in the hands of a company relying on broken technology?
Klarna was always shit and unethical
How have they been unethical?
They get access to your bank account and analyze all your transactions of the last 30 days and share them with “partners”.
This article says that klarna denies this. But they certainly have access.
Preying on low income people who can’t afford things. Same vein as payday loans.
Aah, to me they are just a handy payment option. But yeah, I believe what you claim is true as well.
Thank you, now I know not to use their services.
including ceo I assume.