Telegram is known as a privacy-focused secure messaging app because it markets itself that way. However, it is often criticized by security experts, privacy advocates, and people with common sense who can understand why its claims about being privacy-friendly don't make sense. In this brief article, I'll show you all
I am very unfamiliar with and don’t use notifications, but from what I’ve heard - Conversations (with UnifiedPush notifications) isn’t that bad.
As for Simplex - a problem indeed, you effectively can’t have an account shared between devices, but I just have identical profiles on my phone and computer. Also, people have complained about it consuming battery quickly (they switch to checking for notification every set interval to save it).
But yeah - I think both are worth trying to see if maybe one of them fits you! They’re both super easy to host.
Yup. I got my SO to try out Signal as an alternative to SMS, so hopefully that works. If we can consistently use it, I’m going to nudge my other contacts (mostly my family members) to switch as well, because it’s certainly better than SMS. Signal is the most popular SMS alternative AFAICT, so it’s the safe choice.
That said, I installed Simplex on both my phones and connected them, and my kids had a blast sending messages to each other. I’m going to keep playing with it and probably host my own collection of nodes, but so far, the implementation details bleed through and kind of tarnish the user experience. I’ll keep messing with it though, and maybe we’ll end up using it as an in-house chat or something as a kind of Discord alternative. Or maybe I’ll host a Matrix node. We’ll see.