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Hi! I’m a flutter developer and I’ve recently switched from Ubuntu to Bluefin (based on Fedora Silverblue) I was trying to install flutter and all the dependencies it asks for when running flutter doctor and while for clang++, cmake and ninja I have been able to install them with Homebrew (brew install llvm cmake ninja) and the warning went away, flutter seems not to detect GTK 3.0 development libraries when installed through homebrew (brew install gtk+3)

After having looked a little bit online, I’ve seen that the problem is probably that it’s searching the libraries in the wrong place and in fact even when I run pkg-config --modversion gtk+-3.0 I see the library as missing. Therefore, I tried setting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH env variable to the folder where brew installed my libraries (/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/gtk+3/lib/pkgconfig) and after that the output of the pkg-config program above is the one expected. However, this doesn’t seem to fix the issue with flutter doctor… why? where should I specify this path for flutter to notice it then?

EDIT: I found out that I was almost right! The PKG_CONFIG_PATH env variable is what flutter looks at to find GTK-3 libraries, but should be set to /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/pkgconfig (if pkg-config has been installed through brew as I did) and then everything will work properly.

    2 months ago

    In Distrobox, you can install multiple software pretty much like in a VM, where they can interact with e each other.