You couldn’t pay me to play the terf game
Such a nonsense take. It’s a great game made by conscientious developers. Don’t write off all their hard work just because the creator of the IP (who had no part in the game’s development) has some backwards views.
The creator who had no part in the games development but profits off it immensely and has previously used her profits to fund terf causes…
You can’t really say that she isn’t involved in this when buying it helps fund the deaths of people.
Game play loop is ok. Gets a bit repetitive towards the end game.
However, as a Hogwarts walking sim, I promise there’s nothing better. Walking the halls, seeing the residents, the banter, it’s all fantastic. Setting up the habitats for the mystical creatures is leagues ahead of anything Pokemon has ever done.
My biggest complaint with the game sections is there’s more generic game than a Hogwarts game. And it was datamined that there was supposed to be a lot more in-depth game. Still worth IMO.