A genetic analysis suggests the bird flu virus mutated inside a Louisiana patient who contracted the first severe case of the illness in the United States. The U.S.
Oh boy I can’t wait until this thing starts going buckwild and Trump immediately signs an executive order to make masks illegal and establish a quota on how many times we have to cough into each other’s open mouths each day
Oh boy I can’t wait until this thing starts going buckwild and Trump immediately signs an executive order to make masks illegal and establish a quota on how many times we have to cough into each other’s open mouths each day
He’ll just blame it on China like he did with COVID, and now Panama rn saying it’s a Chinese military base.
Trump quickly signs the “See oh me dee total” bill. CIEOOMEDTOTL of course stands for COUGH INTO EACH OTHER’S OPEN MOUTHS EACH DAY TO OWN THE LIBS.