Try to put my sleeping hours straight again, top priority.
From that point forward, whatever I can manage. I have a few projects I want to start and I really want to go for a walk with my family.
Surgery recovery, lay in bed and catch up on all the great show recommendedations people put into !
I’m going to see my friend Saturday night, and I feel bad for doing it. That leaves my son by himself. I try to be with him as much as I can, so missing even one night I feel bad. We have been together for a week now on break, so it’s not like we have not seen each other lol.
Ditching work early to check out the new wing of the Seattle Acquarium.
That sounds dope. Post pics!
I’m starting a new job on Tuesday. Normally, I would’ve started on Monday, but day 1 at this company is just about watching training videos. So I’ve convinced my recruiter to let me watch those videos from home, instead.
It’s barely an hour of footage overall, no quizzes to take or paperwork to fill out. I would’ve spent more time on the commute. I have no idea how I’m going to fill the time after this.
Just kidding. Chores and dinner with family.
- Like every day, long walks.
For the last few days, the weather was really not great and if I don’t mind the rain or the cold, everything constantly being dark and dim made my daily walks less enjoyable. This morning the sky is bright blue, there is not a cloud to be seen and the sun is shinning. Happy. - Read more of Proust A la recherche du temps perdu.
Seriously, after many failed attempts in the last… 30 years or so, I opened the first volume one more time this evening to give it a shot and, somehow, I was able to get into it and appreciate his prose. Being French, one would think I should be able to better appreciate his style but for some reason I never was, like the book would fell off my hands. No idea what changed this evening (and after so many years) but reading the first 40 pages I was fucking blown away by what I was reading and how well it was done.
- Like every day, long walks.
The usual rotting until something better comes along which tends not to happen when you only exist to rot.
I’m overhauling my laundry room. Hoping to finish it up this weekend. May make an Ikea trip to get some new dining chairs.