Baby is almost 19 months, and we’ve been down to just a morning feed at this point. Have thankfully night weaned (working on weaning from the pacifier as well).

Is it usually baby who weans themselves, or is it a conscious action I need to take? I wouldn’t mind making it to the two year mark per recent medical guidelines, but not sure what the ending process should look like.

I will admit it is a bit bittersweet - it was so hard at the start. Anybody have any advice on this front?

    1 year ago

    Very much depends on the kid. For my eldest, we got down to just a bedtime session at 17 or 18 months. I realized that she wasn’t really asking to nurse anymore, if anything I was chasing her around to get her to nurse and settle down for bed, and I was starting to feel a little resentful. So one day I just didn’t offer, snuggled and rocked her instead. Took a little longer to get her to bed, but after that she was done. My second is almost the same age now, but SUCH a different kid, and I don’t see her stopping anytime soon.