It’s been over a decade since I’ve seen it, so you’re probably right. I should probably just rewatch it at some point, since back then I had no idea what East Germany went through after reunification (Europe Since 1989: A History by Philipp Ther is a -ass book, but has some good parts in it about the former DDR).
It’s been over a decade since I’ve seen it, so you’re probably right. I should probably just rewatch it at some point, since back then I had no idea what East Germany went through after reunification (Europe Since 1989: A History by Philipp Ther is a
-ass book, but has some good parts in it about the former DDR).
Check out “Stasi State or Socialist Paradise” if you’re curious. It’s basically a defense of things the GDR did right.
That’s on my long list of books to read, I think the e-book is somewhere on my external hard drive.