Let me start by saying that I am not a runner. I hope to be one day, but for now I’m just running < 1 mile after work.

After a few days of this, my knees (the tendon thing that goes down from the knee to the shin) are pretty sore. I’m wondering if I should power through this or do something differently?

A friend suggested these as he’s had good luck with them, but I’m not sure if this is something the community condones or endorses.

Update: Thank you all for the suggestions! The consensus seems to be to take it easy as I begin, and run every other day (and continue to walk every day).

  • DBT@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    If you power through it you may end up with tendinitis. You shouldn’t run everyday starting off. I second the Couch to 5k recommendation. Gradually increase the frequency and distance so your body can adapt.

    I’d recommend doing some walking on some days to give your knees a break but still get the cardio in.

    I’d also say that if you are running consistently, even if just a little, congratulations, you are indeed a runner.

    ETA additional info I wish someone told me when I first started running: most of your runs (if not all, starting out) should be at an easy pace. You should be able to speak full sentences while running for your easy runs. I personally got injured starting out because all of my runs were tempo or zone 4 runs. Overtraining can lead to a lot of frustrating down time.