• unmagical@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    This is how it is

    This is in fact not how it is–hence the down votes.

    Sex determination is a complicated mechanism that isn’t solely reliant upon chromosomes.

    The “XX is female and XY is male” take is a reductionist rudimentary explanation for the nominal case used to teach children about the basics. In reality there are more combinations than just those two for human chromosomes, and there are situations that cause different manifestations and development periods regardless of one’s chromosomes.

    Sure, most of the time that’s how it is, but it isn’t universal. Which is why using some pseudoscientific “chromosomal truther” interpretation to define either sex or gender is a bad, alienating ideology.

    • WordBox@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Ok you explained that that was the kid version but didn’t explain the not kid version.

      Zygote is XY or XX (at conception, which is generally understood as male, female) ??? Male baby, female baby

      It’s the ??? Or before part that I’m struggling to understand. Is it the low percentage of deviations that make it not definite at conception?

      Fwiw I want you to be right. I see that gonadal sex is effectively female until male, but again the male part was predefined at conception.