• BJHanssen@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Thing is, (successful) mutation rate is just a statistical probability rising to inevitability following from a virus’ replication rate. Pure numbers game. The only way to stop it is to prevent the virus from replicating to numbers large enough that you never reach that inevitability threshold, AND with wide enough immunity in the herd that even across the entire potential base of infection it can’t get there.

    And with the coronavirus causing covid-19, by far the most infectious natural disease known and that happens to rely almost entirely on an insane replication rate in the mucosal immune system, you would need a vaccine that is delivered via the airways and you need to somehow completely reverse half a decade (plus) of reactionary brainfucking across most of western society.

    Good luck. (No seriously, I wish you all the luck in the world cos this virus sucks ass and we need to make it gone somehow)