This graph is important

It’s based on the writings of professor Cheng Enfu, President of the Academy of Marxism at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Director of the Academic Division of Marxist Studies of CASS.

Socialism and communism are not one and done processes. They are gradual changes, both Marx and Lenin have addressed this extensively. We can’t just instantly press the big communism button unfortunately.

Here’s a paper that goes way more in depth on the professor’s definitions:


    17 days ago

    I was careful with my word choices. I said communism not leftists theories generally. Communism is by definition a state managed/centrally planned economy.

    I have no issue with left wing movements in general. My criticism is of centrally managed governments regardless of their origin.

    And I do believe its possible to structure a society align left wing values. just not through communism, at least not in a way that is stable.